Interface Essentials

One function and five classes, all you need to use Mongoom.


connect(database, host='localhost', port=27017, **kwargs)

Connect to a database at given host and port. Sets two global attributes, CONNECTION and DATABASE.


pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient instance.


c = connect("test_db", "localhost", 27017)


class Document(**data)

A MongoDB document mapping. A Document schema is defined by it’s class attributes referencing Field instances.

Parameters:data (Packed or unpacked dictionary) – MongoDB document.


class User(Document):
    name = Field(basestring)

frank = User(name="Frank").save()

Cache a Document object by it’s _id field.

classmethod collection()
Returns:Keyword args used for collection creation.

The documents data dictionary.

Getter:Returns the objects _data.
Setter:Updates the objects fields based on the provided dictionary.

Returns all fields from baseclasses to allow for field inheritence. Collects fields top down ensuring that fields are properly overriden by subclasses.

classmethod find(decode=True, **spec)

Find objects in a classes collection.

  • decode – If True, return Document objects.
  • spec – Key, Value pairs to match in mongodb documents.
classmethod find_one(decode=True, **spec)

Find one object in a classes collection.

  • decode – If True, return Document object.
  • spec – Key, Value pairs to match in mongodb documents.
classmethod generate_objects(cursor)

Generator that returns all documents from a pymongo cursor as their equivalent python class.

Parameters:cursor – A pymongo.cursor.Cursor
classmethod get_cache(_id)

Returns a python object if the _id is in __cache__.

classmethod index()
Returns:Keyword args used for collection index.

Returns a DBRef, saves before returning if _id not in data.


Remove Document from database.

save(*args, **kwargs)

Write _data dict to database.

Accepts the same parameters as pymongo.collection.insert() and pymongo.collection.update()


Ensure all required fields are in _data.

class EmbeddedDocument(**data)

Baseclass for all embedded documents. Unlike Document, EmbeddedDocument does not:

  • have a cache
  • have an objectid
  • have save, find or remove methods...*yet*
  • map to a collection
  • data (Packed or unpacked dictionary) – MongoDB document.
  • use_data – If provided it is assigned to the _data attribute of the new instance, ensuring that the object passed in is exactly the same object that EmbeddedDocument is acting on. Typically only passed when decoding an embedded document as in BaseField‘s from_dict() method.


class Comment(EmbeddedDocument):
    user = Field("Frank")
    text = Field(basestring)

my_comment = Comment(user="Frank", text="Hello there.")

Returns all fields from baseclasses to allow for field inheritence. Collects fields top down ensuring that fields are properly overriden by subclasses.


Ensure all required fields are in data.


class Field(*types, **kwargs)

A multipurpose field supporting python standard types. This is the go to field for basestring, boolean, int, float, dict and also supports Document, and EmbeddedDocument. Document objects are automatically stored as bson.dbref.DBRef and decoded back to Document. Similarly EmbeddedDocument objects are stored as dicts and decoded back to EmbeddedDocument.

  • types – all args are types for validation
  • default – default values are copied to inst._data on instantiation, can be a callable.
  • required – is the field requried?
  • name – name of the attribute that field is assigned to. (When used in classes inheriting from Document, you don’t need to set the name parameter.)
class ListField(*types, **kwargs)

A ListField! Supports multiple types like a Field descriptor, and the same automatic encoding and decoding of bson.dbref.DBRef and EmbeddedDocument.

  • types – all args are types for validation
  • default – default values are copied to inst._data on instantiation, can be a callable.
  • required – is the field requried?
  • name – name of the attribute that field is assigned to. (When used in classes inheriting from Document, you don’t need to set the name parameter.)
class ObjectIdField(**kwargs)

Exactly the same as :class:`Field`(ObjectId)

Document Based Events

Insert Event objects into a capped collection using fire.

class Event(**data)

Event documents live in a capped mongodb collection. Allowing people to subscribe to events using a tailable cursor. Inherit from Event to create custom events.

  • refDocument that the Event refers to.
  • user – User that fired the Event.
  • created – Date that the Event was fired.


Subscribe to a capped collection using a Subscriber.

class Subscriber(collection, *args, **kwargs)

Watch a database collection by using a tailable cursor. Collection must be initialized with capped=True prior to invoking a subscriber thread.

  • collection – Database collection to be subscribed to.
  • *args

    standard thread arguments.

  • **kwargs

    standard thread keyword arguments.


mySubscriber = Subscriber("Event")

Decode event document on receiving a doc from tailable cursor. Requires all Document subclasses to be imported into the “__main__” module.


What do you want to do with the Document?


Start watching a database collection.